Sunday, April 25, 2010

Healthcare in Singapore

Who should play the most important role in managing healthcare in Singapore?

-       The Individual

-      The Government

-       The Community

The individual plays an important role in managing healthcare as self-reliance has become more important as the health care services in Singapore have changed over the years to meet the demands of an ageing population. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is one such good way in which the individual can manage the cost of rising health care. Indeed, if one keeps him or herself in good health, they would need to spend less money on medical treatment. Therefore, regular exercise and healthy eating habits are strongly encouraged in Singapore. Furthermore, adults are also encouraged to go for health screening programs for the early detection of diseases. Early detection of diseases means that the cost of treating the disease would come down. However, it is up to the individual to seek such treatment and look after himself. Therefore, the individual plays an important role in managing healthcare costs in Singapore.

The government also plays an important role in managing healthcare in Singapore. Indeed, the government helps by implementing schemes for individuals to save to medical costs as it cannot to give too generously or give free health services. As such, a system of co-payment has been adopted. Individuals pay a part of the total cost through the Medisave and Medishield schemes while the government pays for the rest. These schemes are compulsory. Such subsidies make up a quarter of government spending on healthcare. Therefore, government support is also essential in managing the healthcare costs in Singapore.

The community is another important component of managing healthcare costs in Singapore. This is especially so with regard to the aged and the poor. Voluntary welfare organizations are given grants to run community hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centres. Indeed, it is not feasible for the government to run all these services as it would prove far too costly. Hence, it is important to involve the wider community in support of the healthcare system in Singapore.

In light of all three components of managing healthcare costs in Singapore, I would think that it is up to individual responsibility to ultimately manage the costs. People need to take responsibility for their own health, as the life belongs to them. One should not expect the government or the community to take charge of one’s personal issues. Rather, these two should serve as support mechanisms in managing the healthcare costs in Singapore. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Teacher,
    If i memorise the essays, will i be able to get a distinction for SEQ? May i request you to publish an essay on the healthcare in Britain.
